

Services de gestion d'entreprise dans Tinley Park, IL
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Advis is a nationwide healthcare consulting firm specializing in provider enrollment services, 340B auditing and compliance, certificate of need, micro hospital consulting, IDTF and LTACH …
Advis is a nationwide healthcare consulting firm specializing in provider enrollment services, 340B auditing and compliance, certificate of need, micro hospital consulting, IDTF and LTACH consulting, and much more.

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questions fréquentes

Q :
Can you clarify if both initial and required comprehensive assessments for Hospice can be done via telehealth? Providers have previously been instructed to not put these types of visits on claims. Can MACs process a claim with no in-person visits? Does this apply to Home Health as well?
R :
As long as you are putting level of care on the claim, and a Q code, the claim should pay even without a G code. There is nothing...
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