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The Afro-Antillean Museum of Panama simply known as the Afro-Antillean Museum or MAAP, is an ethnographic museum located in Panama City. The … Afficher plus


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7 oct. 2023
The guide spoke english and was very informative.I learned so much history and he dedicated 45 minutes to going over the history and I read more when I returned to the hotel. Panama should invest an… Revue complète par beebster2015
13 sept. 2023
Very interesting overview. I would have appreciated even more information on the workers day-to-day: hours worked, salary, types of jobs, etc. I would also have enjoyed—if possible—an example of a pa… Revue complète par L G
6 sept. 2023
The museum is small but full of knowledge and information. If you do not have a tour guide or speak Spanish you will need to use Google translate to communicate. The staff was super friendly, polite,… Revue complète par ALISHIA J
Données de : Tripadvisor
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