
Quevedo is a city in Ecuador located in the Los Ríos Province. It is the seat of Quevedo Canton, a vibrant community founded in 1943. Acco…
Quevedo is a city in Ecuador located in the Los Ríos Province. It is the seat of Quevedo Canton, a vibrant community founded in 1943. According to the latest census, Quevedo's population is 177,792. Located at 237 km SW of Quito, or, 183 km NE of Guayaquil. Quevedo is one of the fastest-growing cities in Ecuador and it is mainly known for its agricultural tradition. Quevedo's agroindustrial complex is one of the leading exporters in the world of banana, cacao, passion fruit and coffee bean. In recent years non-agricultural activities have experienced significant progress mainly in the financial and educational sectors.
  • Country: Ecuador
  • Province: Los Rios
  • Founded: 1838
  • Founded by: Jose Camilo Calixtro
  • Elevation: 74 m (243 ft)
  • Area code: 593 5
  • Quevedo: Quevedo Canton
Data from: en.wikipedia.org