Protecting children from pornography should be a key goal of the European Parliament, according to a leading Catholic family ...
The European Parliament adopted an Anti-SLAPP directive on February 27, 2024, which gives the EU member states two years to ...
Ad Policy People wave Polish and EU flags during a pro-EU rally organized by Prime Minister Donald Tusk ahead of the European ...
Voters in the European Union are set to elect lawmakers starting Thursday for the bloc's parliament, in a major democratic ...
European Parliament Elections Begin, Leaving Crypto Regulations on the Sideline. The election for members of the European ...
One of the world’s largest democratic exercises gets underway this week, with some 373 million people across the European Union eligible to vote in elections for the next ...
Days after France lifted emergency measures in New Caledonia to quell the worst unrest in decades in its Pacific territory, ...
Voters were heading to the polls in 27 European Union-member countries Thursday for elections to the bloc's 720-seat ...