Myanmar's military government has denied allegations by the Arakan Army, an ethnic armed group, that it killed 76 villagers ...
Muslim minority residents 'pushed to the wall' as security forces and the Arakan Army target villages with arson attacks and ...
When the regime lost vast swathes of territory in northern Shan State to the resistance’s Operation 1027 offensive, Zaw Min ...
Myanmar's military government refutes allegations that its troops and local allies killed 76 people in a Rakhine village. The ...
Myanmar's Muslim-minority Rohingya community is once again under threat of attacks and displacement as fighting between a ...
Rakhine has become a focal point for Myanmar’s nationwide civil war, in which pro-democracy guerrillas and ethnic minority armed forces battle the country’s military rulers, who took power in ...
AA spokesman Khaing Thukha says the armed group is trying to reestablish harmony between Rakhine State’s communities.
Sources say that junta efforts to hold onto the nearby town of Thandwe have resulted in dozens of civilian deaths ...
Gutted buildings, vacant windows and blocks bombed to rubble show the price paid by Rakhine State’s Pauktaw town for victory ...
Residents of the conflict-torn state say they are facing difficulties withdrawing their funds due to cash shortages and bank ...