The abductor hallucis is a common area for people to experience foot pain. However, it is often mistaken for other conditions, such as plantar fasciitis. This article discusses abductor hallucis ...
There are many causes of foot pain, but if you are experiencing a sharp, stabbing pain that feels better when you stop walking and massage your foot, you may have what's known as Morton's neuroma.
Gas pain in the chest can result from food intolerances, indigestion, or other health conditions. But chest pain with other symptoms, such as shortness of breath, may indicate a more serious ...
When you have plantar fasciitis, gentle stretching of the plantar fascia can help improve your mobility and ease heel pain. The plantar fascia wall stretch is a simple way to gently elongate your ...
In this article we explore the common symptoms and possible causes of chest pain, and explain when you should get medical help. spreads to your arms, back, neck or jaw makes your chest feel tight or ...
Inflammation of the sciatic nerve is called sciatica. It can cause a burning or shooting pain in your buttocks or a pain that goes all the way down your leg. You usually have the pain only on one ...
You may not know the definition of a trigger point, but most people have experienced the ache or stab of pain that occurs when these locations on the body are touched or pressed. While the formal ...
Bones in the hip can break during a fall or other injury. Any of these conditions can lead to hip pain. If your hips are sore, here is a rundown of what might be causing your discomfort and how to ...
Back pain can range from a mild, dull, annoying ache, to persistent, severe, disabling pain. Pain in your back can restrict mobility and interfere with normal functioning and quality of life. You ...
Arthritis joint pain and symptoms can make simple activities difficult. This head-to-toe guide can help. Arthritis pain in even one joint can take a toll on your entire body. For example, a painful ...
How can a therapist help with chronic pain? A therapist treating patients for chronic pain will often work in tandem with their medical doctors to make sure individuals’ medical and emotional ...