As for the humanitarian toll, hard-liners here don’t care about Shias, Druze, Alawis, and Christians in Syria, nor are they concerned about destabilizing Syria’s neighbors (including Turkey ...
The ‘Alawis, or Alawites, are a prominent religious minority in northern Syria, Lebanon, and southern Turkey, best known today for enjoying disproportionate political power in war-torn Syria. In this ...
“ FPJ’s Batang Quiapo ” star Ivana Alawi and her siblings Amira, Hash, and Mona are aware of the Capinpin brothers Gavin, ...
Who in Washington could know that French and British diplomats, colleagues of Sykes and Picot, had already created sectarian-based “states” for Sunnis, Druze, Christians, and Alawis during the ...
Different experiences of suffering are the rhymes of this history. Starting with the Armenians, continuing with the Assyrians, Kurds, Alawis, Greeks, and Jews and now with the Gülenists. They all ...
Among Muslim Arabs, the Sunnis are over 75 percent, Shi’a Alawis 7 percent, and Druze (500,000) 2 percent. There is really no distinct ethno-linguistic group of significance except the Kurds (Sunni ...
Syria is a Sunni country, even if it is ruled by members of the small Alawite sect, which is closer to the Shia. (The Alawis derive their name from Ali, the son-in-law of the Prophet, who the Shiites ...
He figured that Usama Bin Laden holds Alawis in even higher contempt than he does Christians, Jews, Americans and Brits and, given his druthers, would probably exterminate them first. The cabbie ...
However, unlike Saddam or the Saudis, the al-Assad family regime running Syria does so in the name, and with the support, of a quasi-Shi`i sect called the `Alawis or Nusayris which comprises ...