The reconstruction helped scientists resolve the conflicted lineage of dromornithids, placing them within the waterfowl order ...
A rare fossil skull provides strong evidence that the Dromornithidae, an extinct group of Australian flightless birds, were ...
The fossils revealed a unique face—quite different from any other living or extinct bird but most similar to a duck or a ...
Freshly discovered skulls of a giant prehistoric bird that lived in Australia until about 45,000 years ago reveal it had a ...
What animals start with E? E-animals offer a glimpse into the diversity of the natural world. Read on to discover some of the ...
and the family Anatidae (in order Anseriformes), commonly known as "waterfowl" (e.g. domestic ducks and domestic geese). Poultry also include other birds which are killed for their meat ...
the Anseriformes. The team was mainly convinced by the anatomy of the beak and skull, including the arrangement of muscles and modifications to the bone where they attach. The structure in ...