Many statesmen of the past had read widely and thought deeply and could express complex arguments on their feet. They knew ...
A link provided by the lawmakers to the Bureau of Educational & Cultural Affairs’ public diplomacy program website, called ...
And they were suggesting that the classical argument from design that goes all the way back to Plato and Aristotle could be resuscitated on the basis of modern scientific discoveries. I was ...
There have been two basic approaches to the philosophy of religion in the history of western thought. One places primary emphasis on reason and the other places primary emphasis on experience. The ...
Some of the avowed originalists on the Court may shy away from following Griffin’s Case, because it is an argument from classical legal principle that may not be accepted as a sufficiently ...
Postman dissects each of their arguments, picking out flaws and using them to his ... fights over insufficient civics ...
The historian of science D. Graham Burnett on what’s at stake in the rise of an extractive attention economy and how we can ...
When Colorado first legalized marijuana, one of the first arguments supporters used was about the immense tax benefit the state would receive.
So it may have come as a shock to some that his witty play PRIVATE LIVES, now playing at Irish Classical Theatre ... But the ...
Technology in education, personalization, classical learning, charter schools, religious education, homeschooling, microschooling, online schooling, the list can go on and on. In all of these ...