The Garden Magazine on MSN10d
20 Best Flowers for a Butterfly Garden
Creating a butterfly garden is a delightful way to bring vibrant colors and lively activity into your outdoor space. Not only ...
The Garden Magazine on MSN20u
15 Drought-Resistant Plants for Your Garden
Gardening in dry climates or during periods of drought can be challenging, but with the right plant choices, your garden can ...
There are real advantages to adding perennial vegetables to a garden. There is a good range to choose from that are often easy to cultivate and look after. On top of that, they will provide you with ...
Lantana's bright yellow flowers add a summery glow to this tropical planting combination, while the impatiens adds a fiery burst, contrasting with the dark-leaved foliage of the coleus. The effect is ...
Growing lantana offers a fantastic way to bring a real pop of bright color to any backyard ideas. These sun-loving plants can flower for a very long period of time and their stunning display can be ...
If you've pondered that, you've likely noticed the difference between two categories of plants: annuals and perennials. How do you know which type to use in the garden, and where? There are several ...
The temperature of your region will determine whether or not it can be grown as a perennial. As a tropical and semi-tropical herb, lemongrass is accustomed to high levels of heat all year round. It is ...
“Lantana will be an annual in Dallas, but they can make it as a perennial further south during milder winters.” Lantana are low-maintenance plants that perform well in the landscape and in containers.
Perennials are plants that grow back each year. Dividing or splitting a single perennial into multiple plants helps the plant perform better. When perennials are divided, there is more space for roots ...
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