Whether she’s lifting weights at home or working up a sweat in the gym, Gabrielle Union never shies away from intense ...
What Is the Master Cleanse? The Master Cleanse is a liquid diet. When on this diet, you drink a beverage made of lemon juice, maple syrup, water, and cayenne pepper for 10 or more days.
Check out Gabrielle Union's most relatable tips and tricks for how she stays fit at 51-years-old without giving up her favorite foods.
This diet regime wasn't particularly dubious ... In the 1940s, nutrition guru Stanley Burroughs created the Master Cleanse, a fast during which the dieter subsists solely on a mixture of cayenne ...
Beyoncé revealed to Oprah that she used the Master Cleanse diet, a restrictive juice fast, to lose weight for her role in 'Dream Girls'. However, now she is promoting another extreme plan.
This weight is usually regained quickly once you go off the cleanse. An older 2015 study examined Korean women who had overweight while on the lemon detox diet. This diet limits you to a mixture ...
This kind of diet is exactly what it sounds like — a plan that promotes fasting and severely limits what foods you can eat. Beyoncé popularized the so-called "master cleanse" diet: water ...
Cult members were also put on a Master Cleanse diet of lemonade, cayenne pepper, and maple syrup, in order to get rid of sexual thoughts. Eight men volunteered to be surgically castrated." ...
A landmark study says yes, suggesting soups and shakes could help fast-track fat loss. But is it safe or sustainable? Experts ...
while gossip magazines that quizzed celebrities about The Master Cleanse (aka the lemonade and maple syrup diet) or flagged the latest diet fads (remember the baby food one?) dominated the market.