There are as many varieties of love as there are souls in this greatest of all worlds. No other area of life has as much influence on the formation of individuality. There are no two identical love ...
With the sudden passing of Benjamin Vautier, better known by his alias Ben, on June 5, 2024, we take a look back on the life ...
One man's hero is another man's tyrant, a popular aphorism goes. But while we can argue the validity and virtue of certain political agendas, the callous methods by which some leaders attain their ...
These aphorisms, called escolios (“scholia ... Against the “vulgarity” of mechanization, of popular sovereignty, and of bourgeois striving stand the “virtues” of aesthetic purity ...
And so modern Stoicism finds itself somehow settling into Successories-style aphorisms, screw-your-feelings machismo and the ...
Returning directing team Adil & Bilall steer this latest installment of Jerry Bruckheimer's high-octane action-comedy ...
The eventual reinstatement of Emir Sanusi Lamido Sanusi II to the revered throne of his forbears after four years of dethronement was very much anticipated. When some anonymous groups sent letters to ...
This was around the time Dortmund won the Bundesliga two seasons in a row under the management of Jurgen Klopp, who had ...
After all, per a nice aphorism we found online recently, there are two types of physical drives: those that have failed, and those that have yet to fail. However, you might have reservations about ...
It was a dawn of a new era - so we thought - when we elected the duo on a well-orchestrated credo that resonated around ‘old and new’ or the popular aphorism of a digital couple. We were told ...
Lewis, who died 53 years ago, is dimly remembered today, if at all, but one of his aphorisms is timeless. It was he who said, referring to the team’s enduring pre-eminence, that rooting for the ...