Cara Mund is running for office against Rick Becker and Julie Fedorchak in North Dakota as a pro-choice, anti-Trump ...
Donald Trump on Monday will address a Christian group that calls for abortion to be “eradicated entirely," as the presumptive ...
Tim Scott (R-SC), “Why vote nay, and explain how that’s not a bad issue for Republicans?” he ignored the question, pivoted to ...
Contrary to popular belief, the abortion debate in America is not about when human life begins or the ethics of abortion; it is about women’s equality. When I attended a Catholic high school, a ...
The breakfast was attended by more than 300 Texas Democrats. "This election is going to be about, really in many ...
For decades, anti-abortion extremists have systematically worked the court system and legal loopholes to ban abortion and take away our reproductive freedoms across the country. In 2022, their efforts ...
Voters in Missouri and as many as 12 other states could weigh in this year on abortion ballot initiatives. But the seven ...
The Supreme Court is turning toward the final, frenzied weeks of its term, readying potential blockbuster decisions on ...
A new Fox News poll shows broad support in Florida for proposed constitutional amendments on the 2024 ballot allowing ...
Supporters of a proposed Arkansas constitutional amendment that would allow a limited right to abortion denounced a ...
Support for ensuring birth control availability tends to be stronger in public opinion polls than even access to abortion, ...
Donald Trump is scheduled to address a Christian group that calls for abortion to be “eradicated entirely,” as the Republican ...