The possibility of a high abstention rate at the election for the European Parliament has been a major concern for in Greece.
what a pleasure to read you again, it's not the first time you've written to me and I've replied to you, I remember well.
EU citizens choose those who will represent them in the European Parliament, the institution elected by direct vote and representing their interests in the EU decision-making process. We..
European election have not collected their vote • Number of uncollected voting documents same as five years ago ...
The official figure was 50.66 percent across all the 27 states, which was the highest since the 1994 elections. The ...
In this case, for us, abstention is equal to support, – this is how the chairman of the parliament, Shalva Papuashvili, ...
Like you, Brian, I’m old enough to remember when Sinn Féin took the abstentionist approach to just about every assembly or ...
Abstention is emerging as the likely wildcard in the upcoming EP elections, with apathy and dissatisfaction gaining ground in ...
NEW YORK - In a surprising turn of events at the United Nations General Assembly, Somalia chose not to vote on a resolution ...
The Khiamniungan Tribal Council (KTC), along with all its frontal organizations, has decided to abstain from the upcoming urban local body (ULB) election for Noklak Town Council. The ULB polls are sch ...
The measure would require school districts to draft policies on library curation and the removal of books from library ...
I thought we were done with polarization, but the student, Mr. Kasselakis, has surpassed the teacher - Toxicity doesn't help bring people to the polls ...