The Biden administration has significantly opened the door to drug treatment strategies that help reduce substance use, even ...
Considering the difficulty of navigating the modern dating world, it's no wonder that many people are entering their ...
A coalition of researchers at The University of New Mexico have just taken a huge step forward for addiction research, in ...
Substance use can escalate from a casual weekend binge to a severe problem in just a few days. Here’s how technology is ...
Experts have been observing a “sex recession” for years; research shows that millennials and Gen Zers are having less sex, ...
The head of the Roman Catholic Church reportedly made the comments while reaffirming the church's ban on openly gay priests.
In 2013, the federal government adopted Housing First as its approach to homelessness, and California followed in 2016. This ...
Spain's prime minister announced that the nation's Cabinet would recognize a Palestinian state, highlighting a growing rift ...
Zapisnik alkoholicky Trailer. Dan Svatek's Zapisnik alkoholicky (2024) movie trailer has been released by Total Film and ...
WHEN struggling mum Veronica Merritt made a wish list for her sick son, she was hopeful that the kindness of strangers would ...
According to Native American lore, Lamprey was an incorrigible gambler. On one fateful occasion, he challenged Suckerfish to ...