Over the estimated period, the demand for acaricides is expected to grow at a CAGR of 4.5%. The acaricide industry is driven ...
Acaricides applied over an area by methods such as Damminix (acaricide-impregnated cotton balls that mice take to their nests) are expensive. They must be reapplied each season and must cover the ...
An Acaricide tunnel around the housing can further minimise livestock tick contact by creating a barrier around the structure. Animals introduced into a farm must be quarantined for sometime as ...
Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) was expected to have a USD 515.2 million market value worldwide in 2023. Between 2023 and 2033, a 5.4% CAGR is projected for growth. By the end of 2033, the dimethyl ...
Recently some 'over-the-counter' acaricide products that can be purchased and applied without a license, were shown to be effective for almost one month against lone star ticks when applied correctly ...
Keep swing sets, fire pit areas, and other outdoor entertaining spaces away from wooded yard perimeters The strongest, most effective killers of ticks in yards are acaricide pesticides. However, they ...
one deep freezer (trace), 500 litres of deltamethrin (acaricide), 50 tsetse fly traps. The package also included ;a vaccine for lumpy skin disease, dozes of PPR ;vaccine, and;Rabies vaccine.