After 17 years of litigation, banana producer Chiquita Brands International has been found liable for financing a Colombian ...
Banana company Chiquita was accused of making illegal payments to the AUC, a paramilitary group known for its violent ...
A jury ruled that Chiquita must pay $38.3 million to families of eight victims who were killed by a paramilitary group funded ...
Jurors at a federal trial in South Florida found the banana giant liable for funding a violent group in Colombia in the late ...
Companies are almost never held accountable for their actions, particularly in foreign countries. But a Florida jury just ...
A South Florida jury found the company liable for killings committed by a paramilitary group that was on the banana ...
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A West Palm Beach federal jury ordered Chiquita Brands International to pay $38.3 million to the families of eight Colombian ...
Chiquita Brands International has been ordered to pay $38.3m in damages by a US court to the families of victims murdered by ...
Chiquita Brands International must pay $38.3 million in damages to the families of eight Colombian men killed by a ...
Chiquita Brands International, the banana giant, has been found liable for funding a right-wing Colombian paramilitary ...
Chiquita Banana has been found liable by a Florida jury for financing a far-right Columbian paramilitary group, and has been ...