Amino acids are small molecules that are the building blocks of proteins. Proteins serve as structural support inside the cell and they perform many vital chemical reactions. Each protein is a ...
Fatty acids are the building blocks of the fat in our bodies and in the food we eat. During digestion, the body breaks down fats into fatty acids, which can then be absorbed into the blood. Fatty acid ...
This is not a reversible reaction, just like the first stage – (aq) means aqueous, or dissolved in water. The direct addition of sulfur trioxide to water is highly exothermic and leads to the ...
Neutralisation is the reaction of an acid with a base that results in the pH moving towards 7. It is a useful process that occurs in everyday life such as in the treatment of acid indigestion and ...
Uric acid is the final waste product of purines, which are chemical compounds found naturally inside cells and in certain foods and drinks (e.g., red meat and alcohol). Elevated uric acid levels in ...
Magnesium combined with hydroxide or carbonate ions may help neutralize the acid in your stomach. These magnesium-containing products may give you short-term relief from acid reflux symptoms.
When it comes to exercise, "feeling the burn" is a good thing. When it comes to your esophagus, not so much. Acid reflux, also known as gastroesophageal reflux disease, is a common condition that ...
Skincare acids are a hot topic. While they may sound scary, they’re some of the hardest-working, multi-tasking ingredients you can have in your routine. From tackling acne to treating ...
Pantothenic acid is vitamin B5. It is widely found in both plants and animals including meat, vegetables, cereal grains, legumes, eggs, and milk. Pantothenic acid helps the body utilize ...
Hypochlorous acid is the latest skin care ingredient making waves on social media, with users claiming that spraying it on your face can help with acne and other issues — but is it true?
Avoid hyaluronic acid derived from animal sources if you have an allergy to avian-derived products. While it is rare to experience an allergic reaction since HA is naturally produced in your body, ...
OTHER NAME(S): Acide Alpha-Linolénique, Ácido Alfa Linolénico, Ac ... Show More OTHER NAME(S): Acide Alpha-Linolénique, Ácido Alfa Linolénico, Ac ... Show More There is interest in using ...