G protein–coupled receptors (GPCRs), including β-adrenergic receptors, constitute the most ubiquitous superfamily of plasma membrane receptors and represent the single most important type of ...
One wonders whether a similar picture of cardiomyopathy might be observed in other models of enhanced β-adrenergic receptor signaling with age. Only recently have some of these data become available, ...
This increase in flow is mediated through local metabolic mechanisms and partially through adrenergic receptor mediated vasomotion. This review will focus specifically on the role played by the ...
We investigated the possibility of a rebound increase in sympathetic response after stopping beta-blocker treatment by measuring heart rate under conditions of increased sympathetic drive, as provided ...
The main parasympathetic influence on the cardiovascular system is a slowing of the heart rate by vagal impulses. The sympathetic adrenergic system, on the other hand, has a much wider variety of ...
Microsoft Start Health on MSN1d
Glaucoma : What Is It & Treatments
If untreated, this will cause gradual vision loss.Symptoms Commonly observed symptoms include: blurred vision, glare, eye ...
Atenolol (Tenormin or I.C.I. 66082) is a new beta-adrenergic blocking drug, unique in being cardio-selective and in having no intrinsic sympathomimetic or membrane activity. In a controlled ...
The crystal structure of a second G protein–coupled receptor sheds light on these key pharmaceutical targets. In contrast, β2AR and essentially all of the other GPCRs are present at very low ...
Although the heart is a target organ of insulin, few studies have examined the mechanisms by which β-adrenergic stimulation affects insulin sensitivity in cardiac muscle. In this study, we explored ...
Beta-blockers are effective at decreasing the morbidity and mortality associated with CHF. They lower the risk of all-cause mortality, cardiovascular mortality, sudden death, and death from ...