When you’ve reached a certain point in your life, you don’t have to do anything other than be your fully radiant self in order to attract or continue to develop the love that is meant for you.
Pisces, have you ever looked at your astrological birth chart? You may have heavy placements in Aries or Aquarius, which are go-getter zodiacs. So don't fall for the stereotype of the “soft ...
No matter how busy you are, your loved ones mean the world to you…and you need to make sure they know that. Today’s new moon in Gemini nudges you to prioritize your closest connections, even ...
You’re in a sleepy mood as the month starts out, Pisces. Gemini season always makes you want to stay at home in your sweats. Over the next couple weeks, you might spend more time with your ...
You may have been quite preoccupied with work and your career. You may have kept your personal life aside to focus on your professional matters. You may have slightly dodged your family and your ...
Difficulty reaching out? Venus and Saturn’s clash forces you to be the “strong one," even though you need support too. You may be holding yourself to an impossible standard. People can’t be ...
Ease your way into the second half of the year, Pisces. Until June 20, the Sun is lounging in Gemini and your domestic fourth house, urging you to nest and rest for a couple more weeks. Honor this ...
It is a unique situation for you which you have never experienced before. Your mind is not under control and your heart is under somebody else’s control. You may at times feel that you are powerless ...