The leader of the United Arab Emirates met with Sirajuddin Haqqani, an official in the Taliban government wanted by the U.S.
Against the British government's advice, Ashley Westwood went to Afghanistan and agreed to be the national team coach ...
Germany wants to start deporting migrants who commit crimes on its territory to their home countries, including Afghanistan, ...
Germany is considering deporting Afghan migrants who pose a security threat back to Afghanistan, the interior minister said ...
While the national memorial goes through a lengthy planning and fundraising process, veterans are working with state and ...
The United Nations on Wednesday slammed a mass flogging of dozens of people in Afghanistan, and called on the Taliban authorities to end the practice.
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said Thursday that serious criminals should be deported, even if they come from Syria or ...
Save the Children is operating a “clinic on wheels” in Baghlan province, which was hit the worst by floods, as part of its ...
The U.N. children's agency says tens of thousands of children in Afghanistan remain affected by ongoing flash floods, ...
KABUL (Pajhwok): Moscow will support Afghanistan’s membership in the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) if the Islamic ...
Children scoop jerrycans of murky water from a narrow stream in northern Afghanistan, where a lack of clean water is a looming threat weeks after parts of the country were devastated by flash flooding ...
Over a year ago, an Atlanta man was detained by the Taliban Intelligence Service while visiting Afghanistan and he’s been ...