Ukraine exported 12.2 million tons of goods worth USD 3.34 billion.This is stated in the message of the Ministry of Economy, ...
The agriculture department says that in light of reduced tariffs, they would have to fill the potential shortfall in the Rice ...
Chile’s Quinta Normal Agricultura imported and cultivated 70 varieties of Vitis vinifera, the European vine, swelling to 40,000 vines by 1850. As the vineyard blight phylloxera ravaged Europe, the ...
The head of the Burqa village council, Saغel Kanaan, told WAFA that a group of colonists, from the illegal Oz Etzion colonial outpost, set ablaze around 500 dunums of land in the northern and western ...
The USDA announced the next steps it’s proposing to address the many complex competition issues in agricultural markets and create a fairer playing field for poultry growers and farmers. USDA is ...
Your Artstor image groups were copied to Workspace. The Artstor website will be retired on Aug 1st. El Trimestre Económico Vol. 35, No. 138(2), Abril-Junio de 1968 AGRICULTURA Y DESARROLLO ECONÓMICO: ...
La economía brasileña repuntó en los primeros meses de este año, impulsada por el fuerte consumo de los hogares, que contribuyó a estimular un crecimiento por encima de las expectativas a pesar del ...
Jokisch Polo: A principios de mayo, el Departamento de Agricultura del estado de Michigan declaró una “emergencia extraordinaria”. Ordenó a las empresas productoras lácteas y avícolas a implementar ...
Medapati Venkata Varahala Reddy has assests worth Rs 3.1Crore and liabilities worth Rs 6Lac and has a total income of 0. He ...
The replacement of KCl fertilizers with K Forte® could annually avoid the emission of up to 300 thousand tons of CO2, generating annual Brazilian Decarbonization Certificates equivalent to ...
AgroAmerica está innovando en la adopción de prácticas de agricultura regenerativa en todas sus operaciones, a través de un proyecto piloto. Junto con organizaciones académicas y ambientales ...
Otro trabajador de una planta de lácteos de Michigan ha sido diagnosticado de gripe aviar, el tercer caso humano asociado a un brote en vacas lecheras de Estados Unidos, informaron el jueves las ...