Moraira approves the declaration of its beloved sweet, the “Dama de Sant Blai,” as an Asset of Cultural Interest of ...
Europe is the dream vacation destination for many Americans, but the prices in some cities can be a nightmare. If you have a ...
Campaigners in the Balearic Islands say mass tourism is pushing up rental prices and local people can no longer afford to ...
The truck driver involved in the crash that killed a J.H. Rose High School freshman is now facing charges. The truck driver ...
A NC mother recently had a scare when her daughter was back in a pool without her flotation devices. She went into fight or ...
Italy's TorinoFilmLab has unveiled the nine innovative TV projects, from 13 countries, selected for its SeriesLab.
An astonishing blue fireball captured the eyes of many early Sunday morning as it quickly flew over the skies of Spain and ...
Up to seven thousand kilos of salt, marmolina, sand and volcanic earth will be used to create the carpets in Adeje, Tenerife ...
Manifestantes propalestinos establecieron un nuevo campamento en la Universidad Drexel de Filadelfia el fin de semana, ...
Al dictar la sentencia, la jueza Virginia Kendall le dijo a Janice Weston: “Es muy preocupante. Tuviste unos momentos en los ...
Elche’s Mayor Pablo Ruz has confirmed the city’s participation in the ‘Jardins Jardin’ festival, taking place at Villa ...
Las inundaciones que han devastado el estado brasileño de Rio Grande do Sul todavía no disminuyen y otro flagelo se ha ...