The Kimble Glass Company analyzed the sample, created a batch of similar glass, and produced replicas of the early apparatus. This aludel bottom is one of those pieces.
This aludel (a bottomless pot used for sublimation) is one of those pieces. Ref: “17th Century Glassware are Copied,” New York Times (Aug. 20, 1962), pp. 33-34.
In English, the sheesha-ki-nali-jo-taseed-ke-kaam-aati-hai is referred to as "Aludel" and it is driven by the English language. This page provides a comprehensive description of ...
The badge was hooked up over I2C to a Golioth Aludel Mini, which is a prototyping platform featuring a Sparkfun nRF9160 cellular modem. A custom Micropython implementation was compiled for the ...
The badge was hooked up over I2C to a Golioth Aludel Mini, which is a prototyping platform featuring a Sparkfun nRF9160 cellular modem. A custom Micropython implementation was compiled for the ...