VZ-9 Avrocar: Why It Never Made it Into Service – Thanks in part to the popular culture of the 1950s, unidentified flying objects (UFOs) are almost synonymous with “flying saucers.” Movies such as ...
"Often considered the prototype for the Osprey, the Hiller X-18 was the first test-bed for tilt-wing and VSTOL [vertical ...
If you ask those of us who grew up somewhere in the 1950s to 1970s what our car would be like in the year 2020, we might have described an Avrocar. This top secret vehicle from Canadian Avro was ...
Palmiro Campagna (Self)Russell Isinger (Self)Ron Page (Self)Bill Zuk Cam Bennett It's been said there are only two phases to any large military initiative; too early to tell and too late to stop ...
4. The Avrocar A quasi hot potato of international engineering, the Avrocar was initially funded by the Canadian government, designed by a British engineer, and eventually assumed by the U.S ...
The designer, John Carver "Jack" Frost, designed the Avrocar to take advantage of the Coanda effect, a principle that dictates fluid follows a curve, to provide lift and thrust from one engine by ...