Study found no causal link between cannabis use and erectile dysfunction or changes in sex hormone levels using Mendelian ...
Around 1.7 million people in the UK consume energy drinks two or three times a week, and a third of children in the UK ...
Migraine is not a risk factor for Meniere disease (MD), nor is MD a risk factor for migraine, according to a study published ...
Therefore, it is imperative that decision makers also consider another AI approach—causal AI, which can help identify the precise relationships of cause and effect. Identifying the root causes of ...
The argument can be made that we as humans were born to pass on our genetic code to ensure the survival of our family unit as ...
Previously, the only case in which a causal relationship between vaccination and death was deemed “undeniable” occurred in a 42-year-old woman who was vaccinated in Aichi Prefecture last November.
Most questions in social and biomedical sciences are causal in nature: what would happen to individuals, or to groups, if part of their environment were changed? In this groundbreaking text, two world ...
Indiana’s Regional Cities Initiative is an example of one of the most innovative place-based economic development programs ...