Several years ago, the world’s top climate scientists made a frightening prediction: If the planet warms by 1.5 degrees Celsius, relative to preindustrial times, 70 to 90 percent of coral reefs ...
An underwater investigation of coral bleaching in the South Pacific By Justin Worland | Photographs by XL Catlin Seaview Survey Richard Vevers has traveled the globe to photograph coral reefs ...
More information: Thomas Goreau et al, 2023 record marine heat waves: Coral Bleaching HotSpot maps reveal global sea surface temperature extremes, coral mortality, and ocean circulation changes ...
But just off the coast of this colorful city lies an underwater world in decline. Florida’s coral reef spans nearly 563 kilometers (350 miles) and is home to some 40 species of corals that not ...
VALLE SECO, Venezuela — Estrella Villamizar grabbed the soft red and white coral by its stem and hacked it off with a blow of her wooden knife before tossing it in a bucket with other pieces she ...
In the coastal seas episode, we see the devastating scenes of coral bleaching – how whole reef ecosystems which once teamed with life, are now dead, white and derelict. But what exactly is coral ...
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Meghan Bartels: Earlier this month the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the International Coral Reef Initiative confirmed that the world’s fourth planetwide mass coral ...
Coral reefs provide an important ecosystem for life underwater, protect coastal areas by reducing the power of waves hitting the coast, and provide a crucial source of income for millions of people.
As record ocean heat threatens corals off Florida and across the globe, conservationists are shifting their strategy Share Comment Add to your saved stories Save Warning: This graphic requires ...
Coral around the world is turning white and even dying as recent record ocean heat takes a devastating toll. It has triggered the fourth global mass coral bleaching event, according to the US ...
Water is a top commodity, but Cape Coral is short of it. Concern is flowing through Cape Coral as neighbors are seeing their canal levels low and their wells run dry. The city has been under a ...