Multiple myeloma is a rare type of cancer that develops in plasma cells. Plasma cells are a type of white blood cell in the body. In a healthy body, plasma cells are responsible for recognizing ...
thereby decreasing release of pruritic agents Dexamethasone (Decadron) 12 mg/day comes in tablets of 2-, 4-, or 6-mg. Glucocorticoid anti-inflammatory effect *Cholestyramine is not as effective as ...
Prednisone is the most commonly used. Some others are prednisolone and methylprednisolone. And there are some others that are more potent, like decadron. So you might have heard about these, and they ...
PCOS is one of the most common disorders affecting women of reproductive age. As a syndrome, it has multiple components, including reproductive, metabolic, and cardiovascular, with long-term ...