When the San Francisco teachers’ union officially endorsed candidates for the November school board election late last week, a lot of jaws dropped across the city.  That was in no small part because ...
A collection of archival documents on inter-Korean, US-ROK and DPRK-Communist bloc relations from 1973 to 1976 compiled in preparation for the 31 October - 1 November 2011 conference "After Detente: ...
US defence chief Lloyd Austin hails a ‘new era of security’ in the Asia Pacific, drawing a strong pushback from China.
Despite high hopes for a long-lasting détente between the two superpowers following the signing of the Helsinki Accords in 1975, the relationship between the Western bloc and the Warsaw Pact came ...
The policy of détente refers to the time in the 1960s-1970s when the two superpowers eased tension and tried to cooperate to avoid conflict. Détente helped the superpowers reduce spending on the ...
Why shouldn’t a socialist planned economy outproduce capitalist rivals in all respects? Few goods of any kind appeared in ...
Hyde‐Price, A.G.V. 1987. ‘Developed socialism’ in the ideology of the German democratic republic: Origins and implications. Journal of Communist Studies, Vol. 3 ...
During a visit to Australia in 1958 as the Cold War was heating up, Britain’s Prime Minister Harold Macmillan expressed the hope that diplomacy and negotiation could defuse the worsening hostility ...
A tourism board created by Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) gave an initial green light Wednesday to a major development deal valued at ...
Beijing has sought to build closer ties with Arab states in recent years, and last year brokered a detente between Tehran and ...