The portrayal of journalists on film over the years has helped instil an understanding of what journalism is and what ...
Best known for his roles in theater, film and television as Pillowman, La Dictadura Perfecta, Sense8 and Rebelde, Herrera has been supporting UNHCR, the United Nations Agency for Refugees since 2016 ...
(CNN Español) — Silvia Labayru pide prudencia con las palabras. A lo largo de los más de 40 años en los que contó una y otra vez su historia —en los juicios, en la prensa, entre los suyos ...
Se comprueba que en esos dos decenios se logró reducir significativamente la brecha de ingreso por habitante con las economías más desarrolladas y reducir, moderadamente, la desigualdad del ingreso ...
Ovacionado tras la proyección de su última película en Cannes, el director iraní Mohammad Rasoulof expresó el viernes su deseo de que "la opresión y la dictadura acaben por desaparecer" en ...
Today 11:50 Mendoza Province is moving to spur exploration of its copper deposits long shunned by prospectors due to restrictions and red tape.
Not only is "A Quiet Place 3" in the works, but so is a spinoff prequel. "A Quiet Place: Day One," which is set to hit theaters at the end of this month, will chronicle the beginning of the ...
I often think of Evelyn Ray. What did she do, what did she say? Did she ever chance to pass that way? I remember it as a lovely spot Where a cat-bird sang. When he heard the shot. Did he fly away? I ...
El escritor nicaragüense Sergio Ramírez, forzado al exilio en España por el gobierno de Daniel Ortega, auguró el "fracaso" del "régimen dictatorial familiar" de Nicaragua y dijo tener la "maleta ...
Woolly Mammoth Theatre announces its new season, adopting the London model of short-term programming. The season will run ...
Your Artstor image groups were copied to Workspace. The Artstor website will be retired on Aug 1st. European Review of Latin American and Ca... European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies ...