Are you ready to dive into the world of cryptocurrency? If so, you’ve likely heard about Papexnova Coin. In this composition, ...
The twenty-two films that premièred in the 2024 festival’s main program offered much to savor and revile.
“Maybe that’s just because I guess there’s a little bit of me in that particular disquisition.” When talking about the story of “Copperhead,” both Kauffman and Maxwell are quick to ...
When her interviewer, apparently bemused, asks for an example of what this means, Herd launches into a mind-bending disquisition on the future of AI-abetted dating: “Okay, so for example ...
of strategy and lyric—in a way that no disquisition on racism in The Tempest ever could. Look for it on any syllabus in any college in the country, and ask yourself again why the humanities are ...
She could certainly get it, she said, and told us to come again the next Sunday. She gave us a disquisition which might easily have been entitled, "How to get rich quick." She emphasized her ...
The chameleon versatility of Kolesnikov’s touch rendered this an enjoyable, if not revelatory, evening ...
I recall a fine priest who ministered when I was young in my home parish in Kenmare, Co. Kerry. In response to perennial ...
who had apparently had enough of Elmo's disquisition. "Elmo was talking. I was waiting to be interviewed," David explained to ...
Abu Srour’s book is a disquisition on the toll of prolonged confinement as well as his methods of surviving it. “Don’t set your roots too deep in any world you inhabit,” he advises.
‘A deeply impressive and sustained disquisition on one of the most vexed and contentious areas of study: US foreign policy since the end of the cold war. This is a work brimming with ideas and ...