Commander Donald B. MacMillan, the noted Arctic explorer, obtained about 90 impressions of the teeth of the Eskimos of Smith Sound, "the meat eaters," who live the farthest north of any human ...
Sorry, we don't have images or video for this item. Lumaaq tells the story of a legend widely believed by the Povungnituk Innuit. The artist’s drawings are ...
Female and male Inuit, traditional north people illustration esquimo fisherman Vector illustration an esquimo fishing. No gradients used. Objects grouped for easy editing. Created with AI CS3. eskimo ...
Illustration of a Longitudinal section through an igloo (winter habitation) of the Eskimo Vector illustration an esquimo fishing. No gradients used. Objects grouped for easy editing. Created with AI ...
London South East prides itself on its community spirit, and in order to keep the chat section problem free, we ask all members to follow these simple rules. In these rules, we refer to ourselves as ...