These barriers have impended human rights and fundamental freedoms including their right to education, health, decent work and right to information from myths and taboos around this biological ...
adding that difficulties in placing people on the ground has impended data collection to prove it. FEWS NET, which is funded by the US Agency for International Development, is a leading provider ...
In a landmark ruling, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) has ordered Israel to immediately stop its military attacks on ...
An inopportune flurry of snow, a flaw of wind, -- and even now all would be lost. Dusk too impended and as the rope began to coil on the windlass at the signal to hoist every eye was strained to ...
A CHESHIRE MP has criticised impended cuts and changes to the region's police force. Mike Amesbury said taxpayers will ‘pay more and get less’ because of planned cuts to police station helpdesks as ...
The church services that he always insisted on holding on Inauguration Day, anniversaries, and whenever a great crisis impended, were the expression of his religious faith. I think this must not ...
Mike and Louie happened in just at the time the alleged druggist was apprised that a police raid impended. He was preparing for a hasty retreat. He seized the opportunity and presented Mike and ...