Korean, known in the language itself as Kugo, is the language of the Korean Peninsula in northeast Asia. In the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK, or North Korea) there are 20 million ...
In fact, throughout the long history of the Soul Society, there have only two substitute shinigami ever existed, Kugo Ginjo ...
Kugo Sakamata, aka Gang Orca, has a Quirk that makes him a force to be reckoned with in Hero Society. Much like Froppy of Class 1-A, the UA Academy teacher is the equivalent of a character that is ...
The concert will feature instruments that would've been used during that time period, like the shakuhachi (bamboo flute) and the kugo (Chinese harp), among others. Afterwards, there will be an art ...
SHOTARO KUGO, ECONOMIST, DAIWA INSTITUTE OF RESEARCH, TOKYO: "It was a surprising choice, but Prof. Ueda is well-known in the monetary policy circle so it's not completely 'who's this?' ...