The announcement was made Tuesday morning in a statement by the Office of the President and Cabinet, which said, ...
Survivors have told rescuers that the vessel, carrying 260 migrants, sank on Monday in strong winds, BBC reported. The search ...
Iran's acting Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri Kani met with his Saudi counterpart, Faisal bin Farhan, on the sidelines of the ...
Expressing his sorrow over the killings, the governor called for an investigation into the possible involvement of the ...
Abdul Umari made the remarks in a special interview with TASS on the sidelines of the St. Petersburg International Economic ...
The top diplomats of Iran and Russia held a meeting to discuss utilizing the capacity of the Shanghai Cooperation ...
The IRGC Navy will be equipped with new equipment several times by the end of current Iranian year, Rear Admiral Alireza ...
A Russian Aerospace Forces Su-34 plane crashed in North Ossetian mountains during a training mission, the crew died in the ...
The spokesperson for the Elections Headquarters of Iran ruled out the possibility of using electronic voting machines in the ...
In a message to his Indian counterpart, Iran's interim Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri Kani called for the expansion of ...
The Yemeni Security Officials revealed that the network had been active within various institutions in Yemen since 2015, ...
The BRICS nations’ foreign ministers have reiterated their commitment to combating terrorism in al of its manifestations, ...