Researchers at the University of Bonn have demonstrated that super photons, or photon Bose-Einstein condensates, conform to ...
The research offers new insights into the early evolution of animals. Researchers led by Shuhai Xiao at Virginia Tech have ...
Research indicates that long-term depression from young adulthood negatively impacts cognitive function by middle age, with ...
Scientists have engineered a synthetic cell capable of symmetry breaking, responding to chemical signals similar to immune ...
Scientists have developed GaN semiconductors to boost efficiency and reduce costs in electric vehicles and renewable energy, ...
Researchers found that the fungus Parengyodontium album degrades UV-exposed polyethylene in the ocean, suggesting that ...
The foods, found in the homes of Brazilian families participating in the research, were stored for future consumption. The ...
Recent research indicates that neutron stars might quickly heat up due to dark matter collisions, offering a new way to ...
Research indicates that adding milk to coffee does not alter the molecular structure of milk proteins, ensuring the ...
NASA astronauts on the International Space Station are testing the Boeing Starliner for future crewed missions. Their tasks include emergency scenario preparations and habitability studies, while ...
Gastric bypass keeps diabetes in remission for 15 years and weight loss maintained for 20 years, according to a large, ...
A new study reveals that oxide membranes can confine infrared light to a greater extent than traditional methods, promising advancements in imaging resolution and applications in photonics and thermal ...