Russia has intensified its, Romanian Foreign Minister Luminita Odobescu said on Friday. She attended the informal meeting of NATO foreign ministers in Prague. One topic of the meeting, she said, ...
Meda Andreea Victor (Mara)Alexandru Potocean (Iancu)Valentin Teodosiu (Grigore Aschie)Alexandru Bindea (Gogonea)Ioana Anastasia Anton (Smaranda)Luminita Gheorghiu (Fira)Dan Condurache (Mardare ...
Romania and Bulgaria also hailed the decision, with Romanian Foreign Minister Luminita Odobescu writing on X, that it is “an important outcome for Romania’s citizens. Our thanks to all EU ...
New Age beliefs, alternative wellness practices and political conspiracies all fall under the umbrella of stigmatized knowledge, which can be attractive to anyone, no matter their political leanings.
Romania's new prime minister Marcel Ciolacu said the government would launch an "extended plan" for the country's accession to Schengen, which will be aimed at persuading Austria to remove its veto.
Hungary, through the voice of the Minister for European Affairs of of the Hungarian gov't, Janos Boka, in the perspective of Hungary taking over the mandate of the six-month presidency of the Council ...
Perceval contemplating three drops of blood on the snow... first day of menstruation Luminita Suse would prefer to go slower in Ottawa, Ontario. Horst Ludwig took his time shuffling down his ...
Gallani, Susanna, Luminita Enache, Xue Guo, and Eddie Riedl. "The Effects of Electronic Medical Records on Hospital Utilization Costs." Working Paper, 2022. (Best Paper Award, 2022 Conference of the ...
Swanson, Noel 2022. On the Ostrogradski Instability; or, Why Physics Really Uses Second Derivatives. The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, Vol. 73, Issue. 1, p. 23. Scutaru, Maria ...