Zscaler identifies 90+ malicious apps on Google Play that were downloaded over 5.5 million times. Many pose as PDF or QR code ...
The Society of Broadcast Engineers' website is currently offline after having experienced a malware attack on May 30.
For Android users who may have unknowingly downloaded the apps, ThreatLabz mentioned one rising danger in particular, the Anatsa malware, also called TeaBot. Anatsa is built to access people’s banking ...
Operation Endgame’ is an ongoing, law enforcement effort to disrupt botnets, malware droppers and malware-as-a-service.
Cybercriminals are distributing a malware cocktail through cracked versions of Microsoft Office promoted on torrent sites.
The FBI and police in Europe crack down on the criminal infrastructure behind four Windows-based malware variants: IcedID, ...
Notorious DarkGate malware has shifted to using AutoHotkey for its last stages, making detection even more challenging.
Beware of fake browser updates! Cybercriminals are using this tactic to deliver dangerous malware like BitRAT and Lumma ...
Researchers at AhnLab Security Intelligence Center (ASEC) have identified an ongoing campaign that distributes malware ...
About Security Bite: Security Bite is a weekly security-focused column on 9to5Mac. Every week, Arin Waichulis delivers ...
Law enforcement agencies in the United States and Europe today announced Operation Endgame, a coordinated action against some ...
Late last month, Operation Endgame dismantled dropper botnet infrastructure that supported initial-access Trojan malware strains, including IcedID, SystemBC, Pikabot, Smokeloader, Bumblebee, and ...