The medieval sin of acedia or sloth, like the contemporary symptom of avolition, is typically seen as bad. But this is not ...
During this long period of Ordinary Time we may slack on our spiritual life or be bored right away as my granddaughter was on ...
The United States is failing the Happiness Olympics.Maybe you noticed.That feeling of inertia, listlessness, ...
Rent it on Apple TV+. Sometimes I Think About Dying feels like a film meant to educate the masses about acedia. It's a ...
Christian life is marked by temptations, challenges, and spiritual battles. In his catechesis on vices and virtues, Pope ...
Here are a few of our favourites. Acedia was a very specific emotion experienced by very specific men in the Middle Ages: monks living in monasteries. This emotion would often be brought on by a ...
The battle of prayer is inseparable from the necessary "spiritual battle" to act habitually according to the Spirit of Christ: we pray as we live, because we live as we pray. The principal ...
“The sense of universal futility, the feelings of boredom and despair, with the complementary desire to be ‘anywhere, ...
The preoccupation with exhaustion goes all the way back to Greek antiquity. In the Greek golden age of the 5th to the 3rd centuries BC, most doctors believed that our health was governed by a ...
He triumphed over sloth (acedia), that death of the soul which attacks hesychasts in particular, and laxity, by the remembrance of death. By meditating on eternal rewards, he undid the chain of ...
Yet many medieval attitudes remain with us, under another name. There is, for example, our attitude towards acedia. What is acedia? St. Thomas Aquinas defines it as a "sorrow for the spiritual good." ...
St. Evagrius, who lived in the Egyptian desert as an early monastic, wrote about something called acedia. What is acedia? The Catechism of the Catholic Church (2733) calls it a form of depression ...