For two years doctors told her she was an alcoholic. Then they realized her gut was making alcohol from carbohydrates, a rare ...
A woman kept ending up in the emergency room with excessive sleepiness, slurred speech and the scent of alcohol on her breath ...
How can someone have alcohol intoxication without consuming alcohol? Auto-brewery syndrome, a rare condition in which gut ...
Doctors were baffled to find the woman's alcohol levels fluctuating between a dangerously high 30 to 62 millimoles per litre.
In a rare case, doctors in Canada treated a 50-year-old woman with a syndrome that makes her gut produce alcohol, and feel ...
Additional reports of auto-brewery symptoms have occurred in Japan, where the condition is known as meitei-sho, or “alcohol ...
From drowsiness, slurred speech and even the smell of alcohol on her breath, her symptoms led to her being discharged with an ...
How can someone have alcohol intoxication without consuming alcohol? Auto-brewery syndrome, a rare condition in which gut fungi create alcohol through fermentation, is described in a case study in ...
Additional reports of auto-brewery symptoms have occurred in Japan, where the condition is known as meitei-sho, or “alcohol auto-intoxication syndrome.” Auto brewery syndrome occurs when ...