The system supports Arduino and ESP controllers. On the phone side, you can use Android or iOS. The RemoteXY site has plenty of examples. We know there are other ways to do this, including just ...
Before opening the Arduino software, wire up the Arduino according to the circuits page using the 8MHz minimalist breadboard circuit but with a 10k pull-up resistor on the reset pin (physical pin 1).
With the Arduino ecosystem rife with clones and fake boards, here's what you need to know before you make your next purchase ...
Raspberry Pi and Arduino get mentioned a lot in DIY projects, but they aren't interchangeable. It's important to know which one is better for different tasks.
Businesses searching for a way to resell Arduino projects might be interested to know that the Arduino Cloud now features ...
The official Arduino team has today announced the addition of support for Google Home within its Arduino Cloud platform ...
Arduino is a good platform if you want to start working with electronics. The platform, specifically the Arduino Nano family, is a set of small form-factor boards that act as microcontrollers ...
But what can you do if you don’t have these tools on hand? [Andrew Moser] has a method that lets you pull it off with an Arduino and an LM339 quad comparator. The circuit works by feeding a ...
L-com, an Infinite Electronics brand and a supplier of wired and wireless connectivity products, has just introduced a new ...
Alvik is designed to allow users to tackle a range of innovative, real-world projects, “from an obstacle avoidance robot to a ...
LUGANO, SWITZERLAND – As part of its mission to make robotics fun and accessible for all, Arduino is launching a brand-new ...
But, like all things in the tech world, competition is inevitable. Arduino is a microcontroller used to control motors, LEDs, and interfacing sensors, and is aimed at beginners seeking to learn ...