“From outside it, the slate waste heaps of Dinorwig Quarry are visible above on the slopes of Elidir Fawr. Operating between 1787 and 1969, this was the second-largest quarry in Wales (after ...
Emma continues in the book: "Look out for a little homemade sign, low down, on the right, announcing 'Walk to Elidir Fawr'. Here, push your way through ferns to follow a hidden path. Views open up ...
Here, in the shadow of the Dinorwic Quarry on Elidir Fawr - which employed over 3,000 workers in its heyday - the union’s members used to meet. Such meetings were banned from land owned by the ...
May half term is here, and the UK is bursting with brilliant ideas for family days out – whatever the weather might have in ...
Por no si fueran lo suficientemente complicadas las negociaciones para escoger la presidencia y la Mesa del Parlament, la ...
En algunos casos, se pueden elidir algunas letras. Es un juego tomado del francés, el verlan: à l'envers (al revés). Este es el caso de ­biorsi. Más ejemplos Otras voces tumberas que llaman ...