a compound of general formula RC(=O)SR' in which the linking oxygen in an ester is replaced by a sulfur atom. They are the product of esterification between a carboxylic acid and a thiol.
ATTENTION was recently directed 1 to the production of considerable amounts of methoxy-substituted fatty acids as artefacts during the esterification of unsaturated fatty acids with methanol ...
These data indicate that LXR activation enhances cholesterol trafficking to the plasma membrane, where it becomes available for efflux, at the expense of esterification, thus contributing to the ...
(10) As mentioned above, HEA and HEMA(3,11) are easy to (co)polymerize by ATRP, and the polymers containing hydroxyl-groups that can be used in esterification reactions with various functionalized ...
Article Views are the COUNTER-compliant sum of full text article downloads since November 2008 (both PDF and HTML) across all institutions and individuals. These metrics are regularly updated to ...
This is known as esterification. In a condensation reaction, two molecules join and produce a larger molecule whilst eliminating a small molecule. During esterification this small molecule is water.
These data indicate that LXR activation enhances cholesterol trafficking to the plasma membrane, where it becomes available for efflux, at the expense of esterification, thus contributing to the ...
Faculty of Medicine, University of Balamand, El-Koura, Lebanon. Faculty of Sciences, University of Balamand, El-Koura, Lebanon. Tufts Medical Center, Boston, USA. Pectins are a class of complex ...
or by esterification of fatty acids. Algae also synthesize other fuel products, such as hydrogen, ethanol and long-chain hydrocarbons that resemble a crude-like oil. But when algae divert energy ...