The Government™ has made an ad about the state of Democracy™, and it’s surprisingly honest and informative. feat. 🇮🇳 🇬🇧 ...
For nearly 20 years we have been exposing Washington lies and untangling media deceit, but now Facebook is drowning us in an ...
CBS host Margaret Brennan called out North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum (R), Donald Trump's surrogate, after he made a claim about ...
Recent polling doesn't look good for Trump’s prospects with Independents, and even a lot of Republicans, who are now less ...
Jesse Watters is known to have a Democratic mother who often chides him for his politics. After Donald Trump was convicted of ...
Heritage Foundation, known in part for its "Project 2025" plan to remake the government in MAGA's image, posted a photo of ...
The co-head of the RNC, Lara Trump and disgraced racist Carl Higbie claimed to be worried about the health of the 12 jurors ...
Eric Trump warned that his father was becoming a "martyr" because he was convicted in a recent hush money trial.
NBC guest host Peter Alexander pushed back against Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) after he suggested Donald Trump's conviction in a New York hush money trial was rigged.
"He's the victim that oftentimes some of their communities were," Little Eric said. "And you see them swing. You look at the African-American vote, right? That's swinging over to Donald Trump in ...
Former "Stop the Steal" ringleader Ali Alexander was somewhat more subtle. He posted on Telegram that Trump's felony convictions were "worse than the Civil War." He also posted an upside down image of ...
Eric Trump isn't helping matters much for his father right after the news broke on that Apprentice tape just broke.