Artificial intelligence remains in the regulatory hot-seat, with governments racing to develop new and refined regulations ...
"Over the past decade numerous scandals have become associated with social media platforms, scandals that are still largely unresolved ... But those scandals are merely symptoms of a much wider ...
Nadah Feteih, Diletta Milana, and Jenn Louie reflect on RSM and the Integrity Institute's closed-door workshop on trust and safety at tech companies.
Ethan Zuckerman explains why he is seeking, with the Knight First Amendment Institute, a court ruling protecting the use of middleware apps that give users more agency over what they see on Facebook.
Kendra Albert testified in front of the Copyright Office over the DMCA and a potential exemption that would apply to video games.
Anupam Chander comments on the sell-or-ban TikTok bill, newly signed by President Biden."It's going to be a royal mess."Read more in The New York Times.
Petra Molnar discusses her work researching border technologies. "How many more people must die at the hands of a deadly and digital border regime for us to pay attention. We need stronger laws to ...