Programmatic advertising may be the most ubiquitous, influential market in the world. Yet almost nobody, including most of its participants, understands ...
These days, digital media companies are all trying to figure out how to best incorporate AI into their products, services and capabilities, via ...
At this point, publishers know the cookie deprecation drill. You’d be forgiven if you’ve forgotten the very first deadline Google set for deprecating third-party cookies in Chrome. (It was Q2 2022.
The fediverse buzz continues to grow, with articles highlighting the potential to revolutionize the digital landscape. Proponents say it’s similar to the Internet’s early days, before Big Tech ...
Digital media has always been marked by the intersection of creativity and technology. Unfortunately, in many cases that intersection has been a bumpy one. Today, however, there are automation ...
Over the past few years, publishers have seen formerly reliable sources of traffic like Google and Facebook dry up, with no new platforms on the horizon to make up for that loss. Shifts in user ...
Publishers have faced intense headwinds in recent years when it comes to protecting and growing revenue streams. However, there are some equally powerful tailwinds that the industry needs to ...
Let’s travel back in time to the digital publishing world of 2014 when programmatic was just beginning its march to ascendancy. At that time, it accounted for just 52% of display-related advertising ...
In the age of artificial intelligence, it could be argued that the calculus of content is changing. Since the advent of publishing metrics, the goal has always been more: more page views, clicks, ...
When aspiring journalists ask me whether the media is dead, I always say no. I remind them that while the menu might change, the hunger for news and information never vanishes. To stick with the food ...