The events revolve around the issues of three Arab countries: Palestine, Iraq, and Syria, and the suffering of the people of ...
Please avoid spelling mistakes to help speed up the publishing of the reviews. Please refrain from using profanities, obscenities or spiteful remarks. Otherwise, the site admin will not post the ...
Warner Bros. went out of their way to try to get Russell Crowe booted from one of his best roles.
Hugh Jackman's role in Denis Villeneuve's Prisoners is haunting and tragic, enough so as to make the actor uneasy before he'd shot a single scene.
Fox gave Futurama a lot of guff, so the show's writers returned the favor with the episode 'Bender Should Not Be Allowed on TV.' ...
Superhero movies are under a lot of scrutiny by passionate fans, and that's why many of them often have alternate endings that ended up getting changed.
Shyamalan's The Watchers is a twisty folktale horror film, so here's the ending explained for those still putting the pieces together.
Favourite OSN TV Showcase Channel Monday 10 June 04:00 AM Reminder Favourite OSN TV Showcase Channel Friday 14 June 04:40 AM Reminder ...
Favourite OSN TV Showcase Channel Saturday 15 June 04:10 PM Reminder Favourite OSN TV Showcase Channel Saturday 15 June 08:45 PM Reminder ...
Favourite Dubai Zaman Channel Sunday 9 June 08:00 AM Reminder ...
Murad, a Turkish police officer, falls in love with Laila, a singer who works in a club owned by a gang leader. However, ...