The Eraring deal means that Australia’s biggest coal generator will operate with the same capacity factor as the average ...
Victoria will put a ceiling on the amount of new solar and wind energy generation capacity that can be built in each of the ...
Barnaby Joyce’s indefatigable anti-renewables crusade took a sartorial twist last week, when he turned up to federal ...
Singaporean renewable energy company Metis Energy has officially broken ground on construction of the 111MW Gunsynd solar project in southern Queensland, effectively kicking off its big plans for ...
MPower to sell Lakeland project to free up funds as it embarks on program to build another 30 solar and storage projects on main grid.
Rio Tinto to invest $215 million in development facility in Australia to assess a new ironmaking process using biomass called BioIron.
Barnaby Joyce has a new company to boycott, with Octopus Australia unveiling plans to build a massive 1GW wind farm in south-west New South Wales, on 28,000 hectares of land it has bought near ...
The global climate goal of tripling renewable energy capacity by 2030 is within reach, a major new report has found, with the existing government policies of 150 countries – including Australia – ...
The Australian government has a challenge. Having gone big on renewable energy and clean economy announcements, how does it now deliver meaningful outcomes for the regional communities who are ...
The solar industry is calling for urgent changes to the New South Wales government’s home battery rebate, after identifying some major flaws in the policy that threaten to devastate the state’s ...
Thermal storage, redox batteries, compressed air, solar thermal and even gravity storage – two new reports have underlined the growing number of long-duration storage technologies that are emerging to ...
One of the most important will be the Net Zero Economy Authority. The proposed laws to create this authority are currently ...