What are “ultraprocessed foods” and are they a health risk? One would think there is reason for concern, given all the hyped ...
The Washington Post recently published an article asking if COVID-19 infection can cause cancer. Probably not, but cancer ...
Collagen peptides are a popular supplement and may be called hydrolyzed collagen or collagen hydrolysate. It is small chains ...
The multi-billion dollar "snake oil" industry is nothing if not good at marketing. This is probably because this is not one ...
Dr. Pierre Kory and the pseudomous Substacker known as A Midwestern Doctor provide two more examples of how "anti-COVID" ...
I've long argued that antivax beliefs, indeed all science denial, is conspiracy theory. Leave it to The Brownstone ...
The Washington Post recently published an article asking if COVID-19 infection can cause cancer. Probably not, but cancer caused by a virus is more more plausible than "turbo cancer" caused by the ...
In late May, an outbreak of pertussis (whooping cough) was declared by the Lexington-Fayette Health Department in Kentucky.
“May he be forever riddled with guilt. May he suffer the loss of a loved one in the same manner. May he die alone.” It seems ...