The Euclid satellite mission has dispatched its first collection of scientific imagery, revealing a dazzling display of ...
The FDA has approved Elon Musk's Neuralink to implant its experimental brain chip technology in a second patient.
This week, a counter space weapon was reportedly placed into orbit by Russia in near proximity to a U.S. government satellite ...
This week, we delve into what a former special agent characterizes as "perception management" being undertaken by the DoD ...
Data from an ancient cosmic event has helped researchers accurately date a prehistoric settlement in northern Greece.
If Dyson spheres were built around stars and eventually break over time, we might find pieces of broken ones in interstellar ...
Researchers operating a worldwide network of telescopes say they have spotted an Earth-sized planet hanging out in our cosmic ...
An experimental high-speed, vertical-lift X-plane has a new look, revealed in new conceptual images as it moves toward its ...
A groundbreaking new pulsed plasma propulsion system could soon enable faster and safer crewed missions to planets like Mars.
Off the Central California coast, a massive field of seafloor holes roughly the size of Los Angeles has long perplexed ...
The Vatican has updated its process for evaluating visions of the Virgin Mary and other alleged supernatural phenomena.
Researchers develop "CosmoAgent," a groundbreaking AI framework to simulate human-alien interactions and interstellar ...